Carbohydrate-rich grains Winter and summer types

Wheat and barley were already cultivated in Mesopotamia 10,000 years ago. From there they began a triumphal march across all temperate climate zones of the earth. Oats and rye are secondary crops. They were initially "weeds" in the cereals and were only cultivated and selected by chance. Today, cereals play a very important role in human nutrition worldwide. They are a raw material for baked goods and pasta, an important source for animal feed and - last but not least - they provide the raw material for beer production.

Cultivation overview Winter types 2024/2025

Type                     VarietyGrains/m²TKGKF %Seed rate kg/haMeasuresFertilisationPlant protection
Winter feed barley 2-rowBordeaux32049,099158,4

Sowing: 23.09.2024

Germination: 01.10.2024

stained with Rubin Plus

21.10.2024 4,0 l/ha Malibu

Winter feed barley 6-rowSU Midnight28550,697148,7

Sowing: 23.09.2024

Germination: 01.10.2024

stained with Vibrance Trio

21.10.2024 4,0 l/ha Malibu

Winter malting barley  2-rowSonja32040,495136,2

Sowing: 23.09.2024

Germination: 01.10.2024


21.10.2024 4,0 l/ha Malibu

Winter malting barley  6-rowKWS Faro29033,997


Sowing: 23.09.2024

Germination: 01.10.2024

not stained

21.10.2024 4,0 l/ha Malibu

Winter OatKWS Snowbird33535,991132,2

Sowing: 29.10.2024

Germination: 22.11.2024

not stained

Winter Hybrid wheat A SU Hymalaya18046,09686,3

Sowing: 29.10.2024

Germination: 22.11.2024

stained with Vibrance Trio

Winter wheat B  Chevignon32044,093151,4

Sowing: 29.10.2024

Germination: 22.11.2024

not stained

Winter wheat E (awned)Exsal35047,089184,8

Sowing: 29.10.2024

Germination: 19.11.2024


Winter triticaleBicross43,007133,0

Sowing: 29.10.2024

Germination: 19.11.2024

stained with   Landor CT

Winter rye (Population)Dukato26043,994121,4

Sowing: 29.10.2024

Germination: 19.11.2024

stained with Vibrance Trio

Winter wheat C (brewing suitability)

KWS Keitum32057,893198,9

Sowing: 29.10.2024

Germination: 19.11.2024


Winter speltWintersonne39044,995184,3

Sowing: 29.10.2024

Germination: 19.11.2024

not stained

EmmerRoter Heidfelder32095

Sowing: 29.10.2024

Germination: 22.11.2024

not stained


Sowing: 29.10.2024

Germination: 22.11.2024

not stained

Winter Durum wheatSpäths Albrubin29545,392145,3

Sowing: 29.10.2024

Germination: 19.11.2024

not stained


Winter types and varieties

Winter feed barley (Hordeum vulgare var. distichon)

Family: True grasses (Poaceae)

Morphological characteristics of barley:

Leaf ears: long, completely enclosing the stem, without cilia

Leaf ligule (Ligula): narrow (1-2 mm), slightly toothed

Infructescence: Spike awned (to 15 cm long), Shapes: two-rowed, multi-rowed, hanging when ripe

Grain:  yellow, pointed oval, glumes fused with grain, no whiskers


Variety: Bordaux

Tutorial Barley

Type                      VarietyGrains/m²TKGKF %Seed rate kg/haMeasuresFertilisationPlant protection
Winter feed barley 2-rowBordeaux32049,099158,4

Sowing: 23.09.2024

Germination: 01.10.2024


stained with Rubin Plus

21.10.2024 4,0 l/ha Malibu

Winter feed barley (Hordeum vulgare var. hexastichon)

Family: True grasses (Poaceae)

Morphological characteristics of barley:

Leaf ears: long, completely enclosing the stem, without cilia

Leaf ligule (Ligula): narrow (1-2 mm), slightly toothed

Infructescence: Spike awned (to 15 cm long), Shapes: two-rowed, multi-rowed, hanging when ripe

Grain:  yellow, pointed oval, glumes fused with grain, no whiskers


Variety: SU Midnight

Tutorial Barley

Type                     VarietyGrains/m²TKGKF %Seed rate kg/haMeasuresFertilisationPlant protection
Winter feed barley 6-row SU Midnight28550,697148,7

Sowing: 23.09.2024

Germination: 01.10.2024


stained with Vibrance Trio

21.10.2024 4,0 l/ha Malibu

Winter malting barley (Hordeum vulgare var. distichon)

Family: True grasses (Poaceae)

Morphological characteristics of barley:

Leaf ears: long, completely enclosing the stem, without cilia

Leaf ligule (Ligula): narrow (1-2 mm), slightly toothed

Infructescence: Spike awned (to 15 cm long), Shapes: two-rowed, multi-rowed, hanging when ripe

Grain:  yellow, pointed oval, glumes fused with grain, no whiskers


Variety: Sonja

Tutorial Barley

Type                      VarietyGrains/m²TKGKF %Seed rate kg/haMeasuresFertilisationPlant protection
Winter malting barley 2-rowSonja32040,495136,2

Sowing: 23.09.2024

Germination: 01.10.2024



21.10.2024 4,0 l/ha Malibu

Winter malting barley (Hordeum vulgare var. hexastichon)

Family: True grasses (Poaceae)

Morphological characteristics of barley:

Leaf ears: long, completely enclosing the stem, without cilia

Leaf ligule (Ligula): narrow (1-2 mm), slightly toothed

Infructescence: Spike awned (to 15 cm long), Shapes: two-rowed, multi-rowed, hanging when ripe

Grain:  yellow, pointed oval, glumes fused with grain, no whiskers


Variety: KWS Faro

Tutorial barley

Type                      VarietyGrains/m²TKGKF %Seed rate kg/haMeasuresFertilisationPlant protection
Winter malting barley 6-rowKWS Faro29033,997101,4

Sowing: 23.09.2024

Germination: 01.10.2024


not stained

21.10.2024 4,0 l/ha Malibu

Winter oat (Avena sativa)

Family: True grasses (Poaceae)

Morphological characteristics of oat:

Leaf ears: none

Leaf ligule (Ligula): narrow-medium, fringed, toothed

Infructescence: Panicle

Grain:  yellow hulled, white hulled or blackhulled, elongated, whiskers on dehusked grain

Variety: KWS Snowbird


Type   VarietyGrains/m²TKGKF %Seed rate kg/haMeasuresFertilisationPlant protection
Winter oatKWS Snowbird33535,991132,2

Sowing: 29.10.2024

Germination: 22.11.2024

not stained

Winter hybrid wheat (Triticum aestivum)

Familie: True grasses (Poaceae)

Morphological characteristics of wheat:

Leaf auricle: short, not enclosing the stem, ciliated

Ligule: medium size, toothed

Infructescence:  Spike not awned and round, exception: awned wheat varieties

Grain:  brown-yellow to reddish, oval, medium-length whiskers

Variety: SU Hymalaya

Quality grade: A


Type      VarietyGrains/m²TKGKF %Seed rate kg/haMeasuresFertilisationPlant protection

Winter  wheat (Hybrid) (A)

SU Hymalaya 18046,09686,3

Sowing: 29.10.2024

Germination: 22.11.2024

stained with Vibrance Trio


Winter malting wheat (Triticum aestivum)

Familie: True grasses (Poaceae)

Morphological characteristics of wheat:

Leaf auricle: short, not enclosing the stem, ciliated

Ligule: medium size, toothed

Infructescence:  Spike not awned and round, exception: awned wheat varieties

Grain:  brown-yellow to reddish, oval, medium-length whiskers

Variety: Chevignon

Quality grade: B


Type      VarietyGrains/m²TKGKF %Seed rate kg/haMeasuresFertilisationPlant protection
Winter wheat  (B)Chevignon

Sowing: 29.10.2024

Germination: 22.11.2024

not stained

Winter wheat (Triticum aestivum)

Family: True grasses (Poaceae)

Morphological characteristics of wheat:

Leaf ears: short, not enclosing the stem, ciliate

Leaf ligule (Ligula): medium size, serrated

Infructescence:  Spike not awned and round, exception: awnded wheat variety

Grain:  brown-yellow to reddish, oval, medium-length whiskers

Variety: Exsal

Quality grade: E


Type   VarietyGrains/m²TKGKF %Seed rate kg/haMeasuresFertilisationPlant protection
Winter wheat (E) (awned)Exsal35047,089184,8

Sowing: 29.10.2024

Germination: 19.11.2024


Winter triticale (Triticosecale)

Family: True grasses (Poaceae)

Morphological characteristics of triticale:

Leaf auricle: short to medium long, unciliated

Ligule: narrow to medium in size, slightly toothed

Infructescence:  Spike awned

Grain:  pointed oval

Variety: Bicross


Type    VarietyGrains/m²TKGKF %Seed rate kg/haMeasuresFertilisationPlant protection
Winter triticaleBicross3004397133

Sowing: 29.10.2024

Germination: 19.11.2024

stained with Landor CT

Winter rye (Secale cereale)

Family: True grasses (Poaceae)

Morphological characteristics of Rye:

Leaf auricle: short, not enclosing the stem, not ciliated.

Ligule: narrow, hardly visible

Inflorescence: spike with a border, pendulous

Grain: bluish-green, narrow elongated


Variety: Dukato (Population)


Type                   VarietyGrains/m²TKGKF %Seed rate kg/haMeasuresFertilisationPlant protection
Winter rye (Population)Dukato26043,994121,4

Sowing: 29.10.2024

Germination: 19.11.2024

stained with Vibrance Trio

Winter wheat (Triticum aestivum)

Family: True grasses (Poaceae)

Morphological characteristics of wheat:

Leaf auricle: short, not enclosing the stem, ciliate

Ligule: medium size, serrated

Infructescence:  Spike awned and round

Grain:  brown-yellow to reddish, oval, medium-length whiskers


Variety: KWS Keitum

Quality grade: C


Type    VarietyGrains/m²TKGKF %Seed rate kg/haMeasuresFertilisationPlant protection
Winter wheat (C) (brewing suitability)KWS Keitum32057,893198,9

Sowing: 29.10.2024

Germination: 19.11.2024


Winter durum (Triticum durum)

Familiy: True grasses (Poaceae)

Morphological characteristics Durum wheat:

Leaf auricle: short, not enclosing the stem, ciliated

Ligule: medium sized, toothed

Infructescence: spike with margins, awns up to 20 cm

Grain: glassy, elongated pointed


Variety: Wintersonne


Type      VarietyGrains/m²TKGKF %Seed rate kg/haMeasuresFertilisationPlant protection
Winter durumWintersonne39044,995184,3

Sowing: 29.10.2024

Germination: 19.11.2024

not stained

Emmer (Triticum dioccum)

Family: True grasses (Poaceae)

Morphological characteristics of Emmer:

Leaf auricle: large, ciliated

Ligule: medium sized, blunt toothed

Infructescence: Spike awned, drooping

Grain: 2 grains in a glume (vese), brown-yellow, elongated oval, whiskers

Variety: Roter Heidfelder


Type   VarietyGrains/m²TKGKF %Seed rate kg/haMeasuresFertilisationPlant protection
EmmerRoter Heidfelder32095

Sowing: 29.10.2024

Germination: 22.11.2024


not stained

Einkorn (Triticum monococcum)

Family: True grasses (Poaceae)

Morphological characteristics of Einkorn:

Leaf auricle: short, ciliated

Ligule: medium sized, blunt toothed

Infructescence: Spike awned, upright

Grain: 1 grain in a glume (vese),  brown-yellow, elongated oval

Variety: Monomax


Type     VarietyGrains/m²TKGKF %Seed rate kg/haMeasuresFertilisationPlant protection

Sowing: 29.10.2024

Germination: 22.11.2024


not stained

Spelt (Triticum aestivum ssp. spelta)

Family: True grasses (Poaceae)

Morphological characteristics of spelt:

Leaf auricles: medium in size (not enclosing culm), partly ciliated

Ligule: short, toothed

Inflorescence: spike without awns, hanging

Grain: 2-3 grains in an enveloping glume (vese), reddish-brown

Variety: Späths Albrubin


Type  VarietyGrains/m²TKGKF %Seed rate kg/haMeasuresFertilisationPlant protection
SpeltSpäths Albrubin29545,392145,3

Sowing: 29.10.2024

Germination: 19.11.2024

not stained