Forage crops

The forage crops include mainly grasses and a variety of legumes as well as some cruciferous plants. Forage crops allow the temporary establishment of a grassland-like population. They thus increase soil fertility and at the same time provide roughage for ruminants. By combining several species and varieties, growth factors such as light, water, nutrients and the footprint are optimally used. At the same time, the field food stocks offer an attractive picture and are often very valuable for insects due to their biodiversity.

Cultivation overview 2023/2024

Type                     VarietySeed rate kg/haMeasuresFertilistionPlant protection
Crimson cloverHeusens Ostsaat30

Sowing: 26.03.2024

Germination: 09.04.2024
Persian cloverPasat20

Sowing: 26.03.2024

Germination: 09.04.2024
Alsike cloverLomiai20

Sowing: 26.03.2024

Germination: 15.04.2024
Black medickEkola20

Sowing: 26.03.2024

Germination: 15.04.2024
Summer - Common vetchEbena120

Sowing: 26.03.2024

Germination: 09.04.2024

Berseem cloverWinner35

Sowing: 26.03.2024

Germination: 09.04.2024

Sowing: 26.03.2024

Germination: 15.04.2024
Red cloverTempus25

Sowing: 26.03.2024

Germination: 15.04.2024

Types and varieties

Crimson clover (Trifolium incarnatum)

Family: Legume (Fabaceae)

Variety: Heusens Ostsaat

Tutorial: Inkarnatklee

Type            VarietySeed rate kg/haMeasuresFertilistionPlant protection
Crimson cloverHeusens Ostsaat30

Sowing: 26.03.2024

Germination: 09.04.2024

Persian clover (Trifolium resupinatum)

Family: Legume (Fabaceae)

Variety: Pasat

Tutorial: Perserklee

Type            VarietySeed rate kg/haMeasuresFertilistionPlant protection
Persian cloverPasat20

Sowing: 26.03.2024

Germination: 09.04.2024

Alsike clover (Trifolium hybridum)

Family: Legume (Fabaceae)

Variety: Lomiai

Tutorial: Schwedenklee

Type          VarietySeed rate kg/haMeasuresFertilistionPlant protection
Alsike cloverLomiai20

Sowing: 26.03.2024

Germination: 15.04.2024


Black medick (Medicago lupulina)

Family: Legume (Fabaceae)

Variety: Ekola

Tutorial: Gelbklee

Type           VarietySeed rate kg/haMeasuresFertilistionPlant protection
Black medickEkola20

Sowing: 26.03.2024

Germination: 15.04.2024

Summer - Common vetch (Vicia sativa)

Family: Legume (Fabaceae)

Variety: Ebena

Tutorial: Saatwicke

Type                      VarietySeed rate kg/haMeasuresFertilationPlant protection
Summer - Common vetchEbena120

Sowing: 26.03.2024

Germination: 09.04.2024

Berseem clover (Trifolium alexandrium)

Family: Legume (Fabaceae)

Variety: Winner

Tutorial: Alexandrinerklee

Type              VarietySeed rate kg/haMeasuresFertilistionPlant protection
Berseem cloverWinner35

Sowing: 26.03.2024

Germination: 09.04.2024

Alfalfa (Meticago sativa)

Family: Legume (Fabaceae)

Variety: Plato


Type                     VarietySeed rate kg/haMeasuresFertilistionPlant protection

Sowing: 26.03.2024

Germination: 15.04.2024

Red clover (Trifolium pratense)

Family: Legume (Fabaceae)

Variety: Tempus


Type        VarietySeed rate kg/haMeasuresFertilistionPlant protection
Red cloverTempus12

Sowing: 26.03.2024

Germination: 15.04.2024